Monday, March 30, 2009


Unfortunately, due to the intense wind today I had to reschedule my evening session. Extremely bummed because I am just craving the warm weather and outdoor sessions. So, the next best thing was to practice on my indoor lighting with my most willing subject.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Just look at these two beautiful babies! It took quite awhile to get them both settled at the same time and they were much more comfortable swaddled. So, we took our time and kept them warm and comfy.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

his hat.

Are you sick of him yet? I just can't seem to stop photographing Charlie. He is at my favorite age. He can sit-up, smiles a ton and stays in one spot! Soon, he will be on the go. And, that makes me a little sad. He is just growing up so quickly.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

holy patterns.

Went a little pattern crazy. Well, actually a lot pattern crazy!!! Charlie is learning how to sit up. I have big plans for him once he masters this milestone.

So, which one is your favorite... b/w or color? Leave a comment below... I would love to know which one you like best.

Monday, March 23, 2009

on the go.

What a great Saturday it was this past weekend! I had the opportunity to head downtown to photography this energetic little guy. He had me on the go and loved my toy froggy. We had a good time.

A little game of peak-a-boo!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

6 mons.

I just cannot believe my Charlie bear is 6 months already! He is such an amazing baby and I am so proud of him and his big brother. Just look at that face and those ears. He has the Fish ears that's for sure... so freakin' cute!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

the great outdoors.

Ahhh... an outdoor session! My absolute favorite is photographing in the outdoors and I had a such a great time with these two cuties. We headed down to the Old Market and were blessed with an incredible day. I enjoyed every moment of this session and am so excited for all my outdoor sessions to come.

And, I have to say... this is one of my favorite images EVER! I love the giggle, lost tooth and wind blown hair. She is expressing the joy of being 3 and loving every minute.

bigger is not always better.

I want to first apologize for anyone who has tried to get on my blog recently and has been unable to do so due to security reasons or virus warnings. I had some sort of virus in my new blog and had no idea how to get rid of it. So... instead of going crazy I decided to start over and use trusty "blogger". It is hard to part with my new blog because I just love the slide show header, customized settings, larger images, etc. But, it is not worth the headaches and potential harm it could cause my clients. Plus, I figured out how to add larger images to this template!!!

My old blog has been completely deleted and I decided not to transfer those posts onto this blog due to potential risk of harming the new one. Thank you for understanding.

Here is baby D... a recent newborn.