Absolutely adored this newborn session! It was so amazing to be apart of so much love and contagious energy. Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle J were all visiting from out of town. During our session, Baby N's parents and family watched him in amazement which reminded me of how precious life is and how every moment given to us is a beautiful blessing.
Has anyone else noticed the enormous amount of newborns lately? Something must have been in the water last fall because I've never photographed this many newborns in 1 week before. And, I have two more newborn sneak peeks coming up!
This little guy is just so sweet. Love his parents whom I've gotten the pleasure of knowing through our previous sessions together. This first image, in daddy's hands, makes me melt.
This little man has the most amazing blue eyes I think I've ever seen! He was super happy for me and just loved the camera. I see some modeling in his future!
Isn't that a movie? I think that is how Mr. S would have titled our time together. It's just not always every one's day for photos! S was not feeling so well and was just not that into picture day. However, we still did manage to capture some great shots. He sure is handsome... even when he doesn't feel like bringing his A-game.
Oh, this little guy was so sleepy. He went through numerous outfit changes, blanket swaddles, and poses and slept right through them all. Just look at that little smile on this first image... it just melts my heart!
Just look at this adorable almost one-year-old! I photographed her as a newborn and I am so glad we could meet again for another photo session 1 year later. I just can't get over all her cuteness.
I absolutely LOVE photographing these two kids! We have a great time at each session and I love watching their personalities grow and change with each passing year.
This shot goes into one of my top favorite sibiling portraits!
I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend!!! I am in and out of the office this week and will have very limited access to email/messages. Will be back in town next week to return all messages.
I enjoyed photographing this little man for the second time. It's crazy how fast these kids grow.