Happy Thanksgiving! Today is a day to give thanks... to acknowledge and remind ourselves of how blessed we are in life. So today, I give thanks for:
My family... this year has been filled with new life, happiness and broken hearts. It has been a year of change for us all and even though it has been overwhelming joyful at times it has been just as equally rough. But, through it all I feel so extremely blessed to be a part of so much love. Today is tough... my family is redefining itself and this new definition is not easy. However, with change brings joy, new happiness and strength.
Now, for all of the little things that make me smile... coffee, my baby's first smile, superhero underwear, pictures, music, my son's imagination and his amazing adventures he takes daily inside himself, new markers, my husband's smell, sisters and my parent's.
Let's get to today's sneak peek... I am also extremely thankful for all of my clients and the relationships that I get to build with your children and families. Here are two cuties that have come back this year and I just love their dark eyes and sweet smiles.